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The Biden administration would prefer to put the focus on export controls in its China strategy and avoid potentially provocative measures (such as the Taiwan Policy Act being developed in Congress) which could ratchet up tensions with Beijing. By quickening its pace on technology and related investment controls, the White House hopes to build an unassailable lead in the technology race with China and establish limits for US policymakers. This approach is based on several, still untested, assumptions:
ACE seeks to strengthen governments and communities in Asia to address the worst forms of child labor, including the online sexual exploitation of children, and promote acceptable conditions of work through a unified and participatory approach in the Philippines and Vietnam.
The National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) provides impartial, scientific advice, and/or peer reviews to Federal food safety agencies for use in the development of an integrated national food safety systems approach that assures the safety of domestic, imported, and exported foods.
The National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) provides impartial scientific advice, and/or peer reviews to Federal food safety agencies for use in the development of an integrated national food safety systems approach that assures the safety of domestic, imported, and exported foods.
The NACMCF is a discretionary advisory committee that was established in 1988, by the Secretary of Agriculture, and after consulting with the Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in response to the recommendations of two external organizations. The National Academy of Sciences recommended an interagency approach to microbiological criteria, since various federal, State, and local agencies are responsible for food safety. Also, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations made a similar recommendation in the Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill for fiscal year 1988.
This position was discarded after finding no evidence of wars. The skeletons were found to be hasty interments, not massacred victims.[84] Wheeler himself also nuanced this interpretation in later publications, stating \"This is a possibility, but it can't be proven, and it may not be correct.\"[85] Wheeler further notes that the unburied corpses may indicate an event in the final phase of human occupation of Mohenjo-Daro, and that thereafter the place was uninhabited, but that the decay of Mohenjo-Daro has to be ascribed to structural causes such as salinisation.[86]
The changed approach was in line with newly developed thinking about language transfer in general, such as the migration of the Greeks into Greece (between 2100 and 1600 BCE) and their adoption of a syllabic script, Linear B, from the pre-existing Linear A, with the purpose of writing Mycenaean Greek, or the Indo-Europeanization of Western Europe (in stages between 2200 and 1300 BCE).
The comparative method was developed over the 19th century. Key contributions were made by the Danish scholars Rasmus Rask and Karl Verner and the German scholar Jacob Grimm. The first linguist to offer reconstructed forms from a proto-language was August Schleicher, in his Compendium der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen, originally published in 1861.[95]
Approximately 40% of all traumatic ankle injuries and nearly half of all ankle sprains occur during athletic activity[4,9,10], with basketball (41.1%), American football (9.3%), and soccer (7.9%) having the highest incidence[4,6,11]. Ankle sprain is more prevalent in females, children, and athletes taking part in indoor and court sports[9].
Exercise therapy should be comprehensive and progressive and include ROM, flexibility (stretching), resistance (strengthening), neuromuscular and proprioceptive, and finally sport-specific functional exercises (level 2)[10,41,88,92,120,131-135]. However, no consensus exists regarding the optimal exercise content and training volume in this area[136].
The modified Broström procedure is commonly used and comprises the direct anatomic repair of torn lateral ligaments together with reinforcement of the inferior extensor retinaculum[166]. This procedure has a success rate of > 90%[164]. Arthroscopic surgery may be preferred in order to treat or rule out a concomitant intra-articular lesion, avoid unnecessary exposure to a more invasive approach, and expedite recovery and return to play in the athletic population (level 1)[10,36,162].
Algorithmic approach to acute lateral ankle sprain. AP: Anteroposterior; RICE: Rest, ice, compression, and elevation; NSAID: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; ROM: Range of motion; TMT: Tarsometatarsal.
Search for events that include Finite Faults. The Search form link from here is already configured to return only events with Finite-Fault products. You enter additional search parameters. The default time window is the past 30 days.
Finite-fault models generated by the USGS NEIC generally employ a kinematic finite-fault inversion approach based on the method of Ji et al. (2002), which carries out the inversion in the wavelet domain. Starting fault geometries are typically aligned with estimates from a Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT), either the USGS W-phase (Hayes et al., 2009) or Global CMT (Dziewonski, Chou, & Woodhouse, 1981; solution. A moment tensor solution has two potential fault plane orientations; one is the causative fault plane, and the other the auxiliary plane. The causative fault plane is the one that slipped to produce the earthquake, while the auxiliary plane is a mathematically viable solution but does not correspond to the physical event itself. In some cases, prior knowledge of the tectonic environment allows us to make an informed decision about which plane is the causative fault plane. Otherwise, both possible fault planes of the initial CMT solution are tested to account for the uncertainty regarding which plane describes the causative fault. We may then systematically vary the strike and dip of the initial geometry to test model sensitivity to these orientations or make slight variations to the fault plane orientation to fit a mapped fault geometry in the region of interest. We may further divide a favored plane into multiple fault segments if required by the data or suggested by external information.
Rupture velocity is the velocity at which the earthquake rupture front propagates across the fault plane. In the finite-fault model, rupture velocity can be fixed or allowed to vary. To account for unknown rupture characteristics, we generally test a broad distribution of fixed velocities, before settling on a final model where rupture velocity is allowed to fluctuate about a favored fixed value.
We divide the fault planes into a series of sub-faults along the strike and dip directions, and the inversion uses a simulated annealing approach to simultaneously solve for the slip amplitude, slip direction, rise time (the local duration of rupture), and rupture initiation time of each sub-fault, where sub-fault source time functions are modeled with an asymmetric cosine function (Ji et al., 2002, 2003; Koch et al., 2019).
When available, we incorporate regional seismic and geodetic data (strong-motion accelerometer, Global Navigation Satellite Systems [GNSS], and/or Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar [InSAR]) into the inversion as well (Goldberg et al., 2022). Accelerometer waveforms are typically bandpass-filtered between 8 and 100 s. GNSS displacements are obtained in real-time or post-processed once final clocks and orbits become available (e.g., Melbourne et al., 2021; Bertiger et al., 2020; Herring et al., 2018).
InSAR interferograms are processed with the InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (Rosen et al., 2018) package and resampled using the approach of Lohman & Simons (2005). InSAR observations may become available within hours to days after the earthquake and are generally incorporated into NEIC finite-fault models as updates in the weeks following the event. Often, long-wavelength artifacts, introduced by imprecise satellite orbit positions, result in processed interferograms showing unphysical deformation at far-field distances. This long-period signal (known as a ramp) must be disentangled from the true earthquake deformation signal. The ramp signal is solved for simultaneously during the simulated annealing procedure.
Although there is general agreement regarding clinical staging, approaches to management of patients vary widely [54]. Numerous interventions have been reported and are summarized in Table 6 [60, 68,69,70]. Supportive regimens, such as vitamin and iron supplements, a mineral-rich diet, red fruits, green leafy vegetables, and green tea consumption, are often recommended but there are no good quality studies confirming their efficacy.
As with other lifestyle related diseases, primary prevention at population and individual levels needs to be improved. Space does not permit an exhaustive discussion of the approaches here but, in the case of OSMF, this involves education of the public regarding the dangers of areca nut and tobacco, and legislation to restrict the sale of gutkha and similar products [82,83,84]. Several Indian states have had success in this regard. Since May 2013, gutkha is banned in 24 states and 5 union territories of India, under the provision of centrally enacted Food Safety and Regulation (Prohibition) Act 2011 [85]. The ban is enforced by the State public health ministry, Food and Drug Administration and the local police. Although there is a significant reduction in the legal purchase of gutkha, the Supreme Court and higher enforcement bodies are still chasing to cease the illegal sale [85, 86].
Dependent on their dominant symptoms, patients may seek consultation from either primary care physicians (PCP) or dentists. Wh