Buy Chinese Calligraphy
In this volume, Lei Xue examines previous epigraphic studies and recent archaeological finds to consider the origin of the work in the sixth century and then trace its history after the eleventh century. He suggests that formation of the canon of Chinese calligraphy over two millennia has been an ongoing process embedded in the sociopolitical realities of particular historical moments. This biography of the stone monument Eulogy for Burying a Crane reveals Chinese calligraphy to be a contested field of cultural and political forces that have constantly reconfigured the practice, theory, and historiography of this unique art form.
Original hand-written Chinese calligraphy scrolls, paintings, Chinese symbol wall art, and art supplies acquired directly from talented artists in China. Our team visits China regularly to buy new artworks for this website, and we also create new Chinese calligraphy scrolls, and paintings at our studio in Florida, so visit often to see the latest items available for sale here in our online store.
Dragon Artworks is proud to have the ongoing services of artist Xie Tian Hai, who works in our Florida studio writing custom name paintings and other hand-written calligraphy for our customers in over 60 counttries. If you need something translated into Chinese and written on a wall scroll or painting you may order one of our services online or give us a call to order by phone.
We add new wall art on a regular basis and welcome your suggestions for additions to this site. Please contact us if you would like to see new products related to Chinese calligraphy scrolls, symbols and artworks. You can also have almost anything you are looking for hand-written by artist Xie Tian Hai and shipped directly from our studio in Florida. So, if you need something unique created fast just contact us and we can ship your order within one to three days.
The Website is a Division of Dragon Artworks LLC., which is based in Merritt Island, Florida in the United States of America. At Dragon Artworks we have always been dedicated to providing you with quality products, and the best service in the world, at a reasonable price. This is one of many sites we own and operate listing Chinese calligraphy wall scrolls, paintings and other wall art created by skilled artists and artisans from China.
Due to the dramatic difference in the weight of these products you should contact us if you only want to order a small number of ink sticks or a single small bottle of ink as the shipping charges may be less if you allow us to calculate the charges based on the weight of the items in your order. The large bottles of liquid black Chinese calligraphy ink are very heavy, so the flat rate shipping option is most likely the cheapest option. In any case feel free to contact us if you would like a shipping quote, discount coupon code (if available) or a volume discount for large orders.
The elevated status of calligraphy reflects the importance of the word in China. This was a culture devoted to the power of the word. From the beginning, emperors asserted their authority for posterity as well as for the present by engraving their own pronouncements on mountain sides and on stone stelea erected at outdoor sites. In pre-modern China, scholars, whose main currency was the written word, came to assume the dominant positions in government, society, and culture.
Yet the limitation of the written Chinese language is also its strength. Unlike written words formed from alphabets, Chinese characters convey more than phonetic sound or semantic meaning. Traditional writings about calligraphy suggest that written words play multiple roles: not only does a character denote specific meanings, but its very form should reveal itself to be a moral exemplar, as well as a manifestation of the energy of the human body and the vitality of nature itself.
Consider two Tang-dynasty texts that describe calligraphy in human terms, both physical and moral. Here, the properly written character assumes the identity of a Confucian sage, strong in backbone, but spare in flesh:
[When viewing calligraphy,] I have seen the wonder of a drop of dew glistening from a dangling needle, a shower of rock hailing down in a raging thunder, a flock of geese gliding [in the sky], frantic beasts stampeding in terror, a phoenix dancing, a startled snake slithering away in fright. (Sun Guoting, 7th century)
But expressive as calligraphy is, it is also an art of control. A counterbalance of order and dynamism is manifested in all aspects of Chinese writing. In traditional Chinese texts, words are arranged in vertical columns that are read from right to left. Traditional texts have no punctuation; nor are proper nouns visually distinguishable from other words. The orderly arrangement of characters is inherent in each individual character as well. One does not write characters in haphazard fashion: an established stroke order ensures that a character is written exactly the same way each time. This not only makes the formidable task of memorization easier, but ensures that each character will be written with a sense of balance and proportion, and that one is able to write with an uninterrupted flow and rhythm. The calligrapher and the dancer have much in common: each must learn choreographed movements; each must maintain compositional order. But once the rules have been observed, each may break free within certain boundaries to express a personal vitality.
Well balanced from end to end, this handsome brush features extra-long brown hairs that are suitable for ink, calligraphy, and watercolor painting styles. Because of their length, you can create fluid and dynamic strokes. The natural bristles offer excellent retention capacity and come to a fine point when wet. You can use the brush to create wet washes, smoothly blended colors, and even dry-brush effects. The brush experiences minimal bristle loss thanks to the secure plastic ferrule, and the bamboo handle makes for a lightweight hold. Each is sold separately, but you can choose from nearly a dozen sizes.
As the artistic vocabulary of Chinese writing increased, so did the conscious pursuit to turn writing into art. The invention and improvement of paper, which has been produced in China since around 200 B.C., further contributed to the view of Chinese calligraphy as an art form.
Types of Chinese calligraphy wall scrolls to buy could be something that has meaning for the person you are buying it for. The zodiacs are a very popular option, for example. Buying your friends a wall scroll with their Chinese zodiac sign on it is a clever way to express your caring.
China calligraphy art has historically served several roles, with a balance required between the practical transmission of textual information and the creation of aesthetic impact with brush and ink. Calligraphy is traditionally been regarded in China as the highest form of visual art. A fine piece of calligraphy was often valued more highly by a collector of art than a good painting. Children were trained at a very early age to write beautifully and good calligraphy was a social asset. A scholar, for example, could not pass his examination to become an official if was a poor calligrapher. A person's character was judged by his handwriting, and elegant handwriting was believed to reveal a person of great refinement.
The basic tools of calligraphy are paper, ink, ink-stone (with ink stick) and brush, which are commonly referred to as the 'four treasures of scholar's study'. A brushstroke must be infused with the creative or vital energy which, according to the Taoist, permeates and animates all phenomena of the universe: the mountain, rivers, rocks, trees, insects, animals. Expressive images are drawn from nature to describe the different types of brush stroke; for example, 'rolling waves', 'leap dragon', 'a startled snake slithering off into the grass', 'a dewdrop about to fall' or a 'playing butterfly'. A beautiful piece of calligraphy would therefore conjure up the majestic movements of a landscape. The quality of the brushstrokes are 'bone', 'flesh', 'muscle', and 'blood'; blood, for example, refers to the quality of the ink and varied ink tones created by the degree of moisture of the brush.
Calligraphy itself is regarded as a form self-cultivation as well as self-expression. It is believed that calligraphy should be able to express and communicate the most ineffable of thoughts and feelings which cannot be conveyed by words. It is often said that looking at calligraphy 'one understands the writer fully, as if meeting him fact to face'.
All over China, examples of calligraphy can be fond in temples, adorning the walls of caves, on the sides of mountains, monuments and anything else with a flat or roughly flat surface. There are six basic or typical styles which are divided by writing manners.
I am based in Toronto, Canada where Chinese calligraphy and painting supplies are available but not the best nor the cheapest. I have been asked by my art followers where I get my supplies and if I can recommend some place where they can buy them too.
Chinese calligraphy (書法/书法, 法書/法书, shūfǎ or fǎshū, literally 'way/method/law of writing) is the writing of Chinese characters as an art form, combining purely visual art and interpretation of the literary meaning. This type of expression has been widely practiced in China and has been generally held in high esteem across East Asia. Calligraphy is considered one of the four most-sought skills and hobbies of ancient Chinese literati, along with playing stringed musical instruments, the board game \"Go\", and painting. There are some general standardizations of the various styles of calligraphy in this tradition. Chinese calligraphy and ink and wash painting are closely related: they are accomplished using similar tools and techniques, and have a long history of shared artistry. Distinguishing features of Chinese painting and calligraphy include an emphasis on motion charged with dynamic life. According to Stanley-Baker, \"Calligraphy is sheer life experienced through energy in motion that is registered as traces on silk or paper, with time and rhythm in shifting space its main ingredients.\"[1] Calligraphy has also led to the development of many forms of art in China, including seal carving, ornate paperweights, and inkstones. 59ce067264