Descargar Addons De Moderadores Para Ircap
Descargar Addons De Moderadores Para Ircap
If you are an avid user of IRC (Internet Relay Chat), you probably know what addons are. Addons are additional modules that enhance the functionality and appearance of your IRC client. They can provide you with new commands, menus, dialogs, sounds, graphics and more. Addons can make your IRC experience more enjoyable, convenient and efficient.
But addons are not only useful for regular users. They are also essential for moderators, who are the users who have special privileges and duties in IRC channels. Moderators are responsible for maintaining order, enforcing rules, managing bans, kicking out spammers, helping newcomers and more. Moderators need addons that can help them perform their tasks more easily and effectively.
In this article, we will show you how to download addons for moderators for IRcap, one of the most popular scripts for IRC. We will also introduce you to some examples of addons that can enhance your moderation skills and make your life easier as a moderator. Let's get started!
How to download addons for moderators for IRcap
IRcap is a script that runs on top of mIRC, which is the most widely used IRC client. IRcap adds many features and improvements to mIRC, such as multi-language support, auto-identification, channel protection, anti-flood, anti-spam, anti-clones, auto-reconnect, auto-join, auto-away and more. IRcap also supports many addons that can extend its functionality even further.
To download addons for moderators for IRcap, you need to visit websites that offer them. There are many websites that host addons for IRcap, but some of them may be outdated or unreliable. Here are some of the websites that we recommend:
Ultra AddoNs: This website offers a collection of addons for moderation, anti-privado (anti-private messages), radio and more.
Docker Hub: This website hosts a docker image that contains several addons for moderation.
IRC-Ayuda: This website provides some addons for help and support for moderators.
Once you have downloaded the addon file (usually a .mrc or .rar file), you need to install it on your IRcap. To do that, you need to follow these steps:
Extract the addon file to a folder on your computer.
Open your IRcap and go to File > Options > Modules.
Click on Load Module and browse to the folder where you extracted the addon file.
Select the addon file (usually with .mrc extension) and click on Open.
The addon will be loaded and you will see a confirmation message.
Click on OK and close the Options window.
The addon will be activated and you will see its menu or dialog on your IRcap.
You can also unload or reload an addon by using the same Modules window. To unload an addon, select it from the list and click on Unload Module. To reload an addon, select it from the list and click on Reload Module.
Some examples of addons for moderators for IRcap
There are many addons available for moderators for IRcap, but we will only mention some of them here. You can explore more addons by visiting the websites mentioned above or by searching online. Here are some examples of addons that we think are useful and interesting:
Ultra AddoNs
This is a collection of addons created by Talia and Aura that offer various features for moderation, anti-privado (anti-private messages), radio and more. Some of the features include:
A menu with commands to kick, ban, unban, voice, devoice, op, deop and more.
A dialog with options to set channel modes, topic, key and limit.
A dialog with options to send messages or notices to all users or ops in a channel.
A dialog with options to block or allow private messages from certain users or groups.
A dialog with options to listen to online radio stations or add your own.
A dialog with options to customize the colors and sounds of the addon.
You can access these dialogs by clicking on Ultra AddoNs > Ultra-Moderación-V4 on your IRcap menu bar. You can also change the color scheme of the addon by choosing from different versions (verde turquesa, morado, rojo, azul marino, rosa or negro).
Dj-Javixxxxx ToolZ
This is a comprehensive addon created by Dj-Javixxxxx that adds many features and improvements to your IRC client. Some of the features include:
Dj-Javixxxxx ToolZ
This is a comprehensive addon created by Dj-Javixxxxx that adds many features and improvements to your IRC client. Some of the features include:
A menu with commands to kick, ban, unban, voice, devoice, op, deop and more.
A menu with commands to set channel modes, topic, key and limit.
A menu with commands to send messages or notices to all users or ops in a channel.
A menu with commands to block or allow private messages from certain users or groups.
A menu with commands to listen to online radio stations or add your own.
A menu with commands to customize the colors and sounds of the addon.
A dialog with options to manage your nicknames, passwords and identifications.
A dialog with options to manage your friends, enemies and ignore lists.
A dialog with options to manage your away messages and auto-responses.
A dialog with options to manage your logs and backups.
A dialog with options to manage your scripts and addons.
A dialog with options to manage your preferences and settings.
You can access these dialogs by clicking on Dj-Javixxxxx ToolZ > Configuración on your IRcap menu bar. You can also change the language of the addon by choosing from different versions (español, inglés or portugués).
This is an addon created by SkeDDoN that offers advanced protection, control and automation features. Some of the features include:
A system that detects and blocks clones, floods, spams, nukes and other attacks.
A system that detects and blocks bots, proxies, VPNs and other suspicious connections.
A system that detects and blocks bad words, insults, racism and other offensive messages.
A system that detects and blocks links, advertisements, downloads and other unwanted messages.
A system that detects and blocks private messages from unknown or unwanted users.
A system that detects and blocks nick changes, join/part floods and other annoying behaviors.
A system that automatically kicks, bans or reports users who violate the rules or cause trouble.
A system that automatically voices, ops or invites users who are trusted or friendly.
A system that automatically joins, parts or cycles channels according to your preferences.
A system that automatically identifies, registers or changes your nicknames according to your preferences.
A system that automatically sends messages or notices to channels or users according to your preferences.
You can access these systems by clicking on SkeDDoNv6 > SkeDDoNv6 on your IRcap menu bar. You can also change the color scheme of the addon by choosing from different versions (azul claro, azul oscuro, verde claro, verde oscuro or rojo).
This is an addon created by El_SeLu that provides help and support for moderators. Some of the features include:
A menu with commands to access online manuals and tutorials for IRcap and mIRC.
A menu with commands to access online forums and websites for IRcap and mIRC.
A menu with commands to access online chat rooms and channels for IRcap and mIRC.
A menu with commands to access online tools and resources for IRcap and mIRC.
A dialog with options to search for information or answers about IRcap and mIRC.
A dialog with options to contact the developers or support team of IRcap and mIRC.
You can access these dialogs by clicking on Ayuda-El_SeLu > Ayuda-El_SeLu on your IRcap menu bar. You can also change the language of the addon by choosing from different versions (español or inglés).
In this article, we have shown you how to download addons for moderators for IRcap, one of the most popular scripts for IRC. We have also introduced you to some examples of addons that can enhance your moderation skills and make your life easier as a moderator. We hope you have found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to share them in the comments section below. Thank you for reading!
What are some other scripts for IRC besides IRcap?
There are many other scripts for IRC besides IRcap, such as NoNameScript, MesiasScript, NNScript, X-Script, DeltaScript and more. You can find them online by searching for \"scripts for IRC\" or \"scripts for mIRC\".
How can I create my own addon for IRcap?
You can create your own addon for IRcap by using mIRC scripting language. You can learn more about mIRC scripting language by reading the mIRC help file or visiting the mIRC wiki. You can also find examples of addons for IRcap by browsing the websites mentioned above or searching online for \"addons for IRcap\" or \"addons for mIRC\".
How can I update my addons for IRcap?
You can update your addons for IRcap by visiting the websites where you downloaded them from and checking if there are any new versions available. You can also check if there are any updates available within the addon itself by clicking on its menu or dialog. If there are any updates available, you can download them and install them following the same steps as before.
How can I uninstall an addon for IRcap?
You can uninstall an addon for IRcap by following these steps:
Open your IRcap and go to File > Options > Modules.
Select the addon that you want to uninstall from the list and click on Unload Module.
The addon will be unloaded and you will see a confirmation message.
Click on OK and close the Options window.
Delete the addon file (usually with .mrc extension) from your computer.
The addon will be uninstalled and you will no longer see its menu or dialog on your IRcap.
How can I contact the developers of the addons for IRcap?
You can contact the developers of the addons for IRcap by visiting their websites or profiles where you downloaded them from. You can also contact them through their email addresses or social media accounts if they provide them. You can also contact them through their chat rooms or channels if they have them. You can usually find their contact information on their menus or dialogs within their addons. Be polite and respectful when contacting them and appreciate their work and effort.